
On the 7th of march I visited the Sophiensaele for the Zukunftbühne night. This evening young theatre makers would present their vision on the theatre of the future. I was very curious and I hoped to see and hear a few interesting new concepts. It turned out to b e a very disappointing evening. If this is the future of theatre i don’t think i want to be in theatre anymore. The quality of the presentation was terrible. The ideas that were presented were not new or fresh. It looked like a bunch of first year theatre students that just started thinking about theatre and were telling a bit about their ideas. Most of the ideas presented were just ideas and not developed far enough to be interesting. The presentations were uncreative, just talking heads behind a microphone. One interesting project was a project from Zurich. A group of theatre makers and game designers want to create a live theatre gaming experience in the public space. This game can take three weeks ands there are different structures to guide the audience. From very directing structures to a free playground where the people can decide for themselves what to do. Interesting for me because they have similar questions as we had in our project “search for involvement”. Whit the dramaturge of this group I got into a conversation about the quality of the free scene theatre in Berlin. She agrees that it is hard to find out what groups make interesting plays and what groups don’t. Luckily she told that there are some interesting groups that make wonderful experimental theatre. So I will just have to keep looking for the pearls in the great swamp.