Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

This Blog should be about Berlin, but last 10 days i was in Las Palmas at the beautiful island Gran Canaria. It were some amazing 10 days. I have seen a lot of the island thanks to our wonderful guide Tomás Correa. This blog is not here to post all my vacation experiences, but what i wanted to write about my trip is how it made me think about quality. There are so many contrasts in quality on the island. On the north side of the Island you have al these wonderful spanish bars where you can get the most amazing fresh food and wines i have ever tasted. The bars however look like “snackbars” because of the horrible TL lights…
on the south side of the island it is packed with tourists. You only see Hotels and resorts with fat people that move from the one all ou can eat buffet to the other. They do not know that the island has so much more to offer. For example the inlands with ist beautiful nature. I was really surprised what a beautiful and divers landscape the island has.
An other contrast of quality was the opera Carmen we went to see. It was full off high society people who think opera is a form of the higher arts. But the opera was a cliché with bad performance and ugly stage design. It was all much to  literal which made it more like a musical than an artistic form of music-theater. The performers however were great singers. That was real quality.
I find it hard to come to a point in this story. maybe the conclusion is that good quality and taste can be found in the cheapest places and bad quality and taste in the most expensive. And who decides what good or bad quality is?