Die gelbe Tapete

Was: Theater und live Film
Wo: Schaubühne
Wer: Katie Mitchell
ec_684ee5ad3330be2de492285162b5e37dEine Frau, die vor kurzem ein Kind geboren hat, verlässt mit Baby, Mann und Kindermädchen Berlin und reist in ein abgelegenes Haus auf dem Land. Seit der Geburt des Kindes fühlt sie sich niedergeschlagen und energielos; Abgeschiedenheit, frische Luft und die Ruhe eines hellen Dachzimmers sollen die Frau kurieren. Doch das Zimmer ist merkwürdig. Die Möbel sind altmodisch und die Wände mit einer hässlichen gelben Tapete bedeckt. Die Frau glaubt, Bilder in der Tapete zu erkennen und wird zunehmend besessener. Schließlich ist sie überzeugt davon, dass hinter dem Muster der Tapete eine weibliche Gestalt gefangen ist: eine Frau, die sie befreien muss

Beasts of the southern wild

What: Film
Where: Laden Kino
Who: Benh Zeitlin

great film. A nice mix of fantasy, documentary style and drama. Nice visual artwork and great music. I really loved how the entire film is from the little girls perspective. The way she looks at the world becomes the reality. The Laden Kino is a great small cinema that is actually a bar with a beamer.


What: Film about teaching
Where: in the train to Berlin
Who: Tony Kaye

“Y’know it’s funny, I spend a lot of time trying to not have to deal… to not really commit. I’m a substitute teacher, there’s no real responsibility to teach. Your responsibility is to maintain order, make sure nobody kills anybody in your classroom, and then they get to their next period.”

2 x Schneewittchen

This week i saw two versions of snow-white. The first one was the film Mirror Mirror by Tarsem Singh. That was a bit disappointing. I loved the design of his films ‘the cell’ and ‘the Fall’. But this time it was as if he tried to make an un-animated animation film like ‘Shrek’. To many bad jokes take the tempo out of the story. The costumes look good but a bit to literally. BUT the second version was Schneewittchen of the Deutsche Staatsballet and that was WONDERFUL!

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Last night i watched the beautiful film Mammoth from Lukas Moodysonn. In my own work i often try to create a discussion about how things are divided in this world. For example my performance Chosen is about who deserves to live in wealth and who doesn’t. Mammoth is also about this theme but the great thing is that it connects the personal stories to the greater world themes. This combination of personal small stories and worldwide big themes is what i want to reach in my next performances. How can you make such a big theme as the division of wealth a personal experience… something to think about for my next work.

Midnight in Paris

A very sweet film from Woody Allan. We watched this film a few days after we came back from selling our house in Holland. I could really relate to the main character in this film. Are you living the life you want to live, or are you doing what others expect you to, or better said what you think that others expect you to do. By moving to Berlin i am leaving my comfort zone. A lot of things are new. No regular job… no known network… Nothing / Nobody that tells me what to do except from myself. Automatically the questions coms up. “what do I want to do?” “What makes me happy?”